Don Derewecki and Norm Saenz Quoted in Supply Chain Management Review

Our very own Don Derewecki and Norm Saenz were quoted in a recent Supply Chain Management Review article about the results of the 2022 WDC Operations Survey. The special report on the 2022 Virtual Summit Roundup discusses Don’s and Norm’s analysis and reaction to the survey’s results. Use the link below to read the article on the Supply Chain Management Review website!

“This year has been interesting in many aspects,” says Derewecki. “The continuing shortage of available labor to staff operations is a high-level concern going right up into the C-suite.” He goes on to say that the rate of inflation and the interest rate increases have also created complexities for companies. Even so, he says that St. Onge is seeing “high levels of interest in various types of automation and mechanization and information systems updates going forward.”

“This was a busy year for warehouse shippers dealing with the tightening labor market, supply chain uncertanies and a growing convern now with the future strength of the economy,” Saenz adds. “The survey shows things aren’t getting any easier for operaters.”

Click here to read the article on the Supply Chain Management Review website!