Mauricio Castellanos Published in PARCEL Magazine

St. Onge Company’s Mauricio Castellanos recently published an article in PARCEL magazine about preparing your facilities for their peak season. In the article, Mauricio talks about how to evaluate your storage, staff, and material handling equipment to properly address your peak season requirements. Use the link below to read the full article on the PARCEL website!

As usual, the first step to solving a problem is identifying if you have one. When it comes to managing peak season optimization, this includes understanding timing and determining the impacts your peak shifts have on your order profile, volume, inventory, lead times, and other key operational drivers. Once you define and quantify the impact, it becomes easier to create a management and optimization plan. Evaluating historical trends and reflecting on data from previous years, overlaid with a good set of design criteria and assumptions, will provide a solid picture of what your next peak season will entail.

Click here to read the full article on the PARCEL website!