Norm Saenz and Don Derewecki Talk Annual Survey in Logistics Management Magazine

St. Onge Company’s Norm Saenz and Don Derewecki were recently quoted in Logistics Management Magazine about the results of the 2023 Warehouse/DC Operations Survey. They discussed how technologies like AI are generating interest in the industry, and how these developments can improve overall customer satisfaction. Use the link below to read the full article!

Generally, in the market, we see and hear about increasing use of and interest in technologies including artificial intelligence [AI] and machine learning, in robotics, sensors, and predictive analytics,” says Derewecki. “These technologies are likely to be implemented at an accelerated pace because that’s how operations are going to gain a competitive advantage.”

According to Derewecki, among their clients they’re also seeing high interest in systems and processes that help improve customer service as well as in solutions that improve ergonomics or automate physically demanding tasks. “These ergonomic investments not only show that a company is a good corporate citizen that cares about safety, but it helps with recruitment and retention,” he adds.

Saenz agrees that the survey’s findings on increasing use of automation are consistent with larger market trends. However, he adds that while clients often use technology to drive productivity and address labor scarcity, doing more with less labor is not the only goal.

Many are also looking to improve accuracy and service levels with new systems, as well as with strategies like changes to DC networks, better inventory management to have the right goods in stock, or by use of third-party logistics provider (3PL) resources.

“Operations can’t lose focus on customer satisfaction,” says Saenz. “They not only need to ship orders on time, but they must ensure orders are accurate because their customers in turn need to have products available, or consumers will buy from someone else. It’s all interconnected.”

Click here to read the article on the Logistics Management Magazine site!