Norm Saenz Quoted in MMH Article About Top Systems Suppliers

Roberto Michel, senior editor for Modern Materials Handling, recently wrote an article about the top 20 worldwide materials handling system suppliers. He interviewed several top industry experts, including St. Onge Company’s Norm Saenz, what trends stuck out to them. Norm noted the emphasis on automation and e-commerce.

“We’re seeing an unprecedented amount of project activity, and most of it involves warehouse and material handling automation,” says Norm Saenz, managing director and partner with St. Onge Company, a supply chain engineering and logistics consulting firm. “There is an emphasis on e-comm growth and supporting increases in fulfillment volume with the same or less labor. This opens the door for considering traditional technologies as well as an increased look at goods-to-person automation for many companies.”

Click here to read the full article on the Modern Materials Handling site!