Other Services

Total logistics and supply chain expertise. It’s a delivery promise taken to heart at St. Onge.

Our ability to offer strategic insight is built on an array of specialty services and experiences that ladder up to the big picture. Whether we are conducting an end-to-end supply chain evaluation, designing a system from the ground-up or focusing on optimization of specific facility or process, we bring best-in-class thinking and a robust series of tools and capabilities built (and continually refined) to stay at the forefront of technology.

Our skilled supply chain and logistics engineers are backed by a team of applied technology experts, designers and systems specialists, providing leading-edge solutions that have been tested, vetted and customized to meet each businesses’ individual needs. Our suite of services is enhanced by specific expertise across:

At St. Onge, we pride ourselves on being a leader in supply chain strategy, technology and all that we do. Our clients look to us as the partner with their finger on the pulse of the industries we serve. We are constantly engaging in research and development bringing forward-thinking solutions that have been tested and vetted.

Specialized expertise applied when it’s the right fit for your project. That’s the St. Onge approach to delivering maximum value. Ready to see how St. Onge can apply the right expertise to meet your business needs and achieve your project goals? Get in touch. We look forward to the opportunity to get to you know your business.

Other Services Solutions

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Simulation Modeling


DATA = POWER (but only when it’s the right data applied in the right way).

At St. Onge, we help clients understand and leverage smart analysis to drive informed decisions. Simulations and computer-based modeling are powerful tools to analyze and present data. Done well and applied strategically, they offer critical insights to help analyze, test and validate scenarios and solutions – all fueled with real-time insights.

The idea of using simulations to guide supply chain planning has grown exponentially in recent years, but every simulation is not created equal.  The fact is, modeling and simulation can be powerful predictive analysis tools, but to be effective they must leverage the right data and have clear goals. At St. Onge, we help clients understand when simulation modeling is the right fit for their project needs. It starts with asking foundational questions:

  • What is the problem?
  • What answers do I need?
  • What do I want to measure?
  • What are my goals?
  • Do I have the resources/data to model? Can I get them?

Answering these questions helps determine if a simulation is the right fit or, in the case of more conceptual questions, when an animation may be more effective. Once we’ve determined a simulation will provide the best results, we work to define the type of analysis needed:

  • Strategic – used to analyze more high-level flow concepts
  • Tactical – applied to determine asset allocation based on a combination of fixed (space, equipment, etc.) and variable (i.e. functional location of products and personnel, operating methods, etc.) resources
  • Operational – developed to schedule and manage resources in real-time for a defined process

Once we define the approach, we get to work, collecting and analyzing the right data to present insights and scenarios that fuel smart planning around raw materials, resources, cash flow, material handling and flow, labor allocations and time-based modeling (factoring choreography and behavior over time). We’re leaders in LIDAR (light detection and ranging) point cloud data collection and application – and pride ourselves on helping clients get the most from their data.

Ready to start using real-life information to evaluate your most important business decisions? We can help. Reach out to our team to start a conversation about how we can make your data work harder for you.

Want to learn more about our simulation modeling capabilities?

Custom Software & Solutions


Purpose-designed solutions. At St. Onge, our unmatched blend of supply chain engineering, logistics and IT/technical experience fuels our ability to conceptualize, design, develop, deploy and manage software and technology solutions customized to the needs of the clients we serve. We believe in the power of masterfully-applied data as a critical resource for the most effective organizations and deliver tools to companies of all sizes to harness that power.

Robust analytical tools with intuitive user interfaces. We’ve helped clients realize the power of custom solutions across a range of applications including:

  • Process flow and value stream maps
  • Operations profiling (inbound and outbound)
  • Warehouse sizing
  • Workload planning
  • KPI dashboards for complex operational environments
  • Optimized production planning and scheduling
  • Detailed operations simulations and analysis
  • Containerization tools
  • Warehouse zoning monitors
  • Mobile apps for rate calculations, high-level capital cost estimates, etc.
  • Supply and food cart deliver planning for healthcare
  • And many more

Experience meets innovation at St. Onge. We’re a turnkey provider who guides you from concept to completion, while bringing the continuity of a partner who understands the total 360-degree view. We’re always pushing the boundaries of technology development, conducting ongoing research and development to ensure we’re presenting clients with forward-thinking solutions that are tested and certain.

We deliver total service across your company’s supply chain technology landscape and work closely with your IT and operations teams to maximize the power of integrated technology. We deploy a mix of solutions hosted at St. Onge and via major commercial providers, leveraging modern development techniques to bring you custom solutions with power, speed and security you can trust.

You have the data. We can make it work harder for you. Reach out to connect with a member of our tech team today.

Want to learn more about our custom software capabilities?

Animation Services


Captivate an audience. Bring clarity to complex topics. Leave a lasting impression for management presentations. Make an impact on operators, clients or prospects – all through animation.

At St. Onge, we combine our sophisticated multi-media capabilities with our unmatched supply chain expertise to create and deliver powerful interactive audio and visual programs that can aid in the communication of design concepts, ideas and scenarios.

Our process begins by helping determine when an animation is the right fit for your project. We define the goals and approach that will deliver the best value for your individual needs and provide a first-class experience from storyboarding through post-production. Our animation services are often delivered as part of a broader supply chain engineering or sales and operations planning projects; however, we also offer direct, stand-alone animation support across a host of industries and applications.

Animations allow you to get the best-view of the scene, considering multiple angles and approaches. Distractions like poor lighting and sound are non-issues and the ability to freeze or speed-up time, view through obstacles and see inside equipment provide an invaluable vantage point.

If you’re thinking about animation for your next project, think St. Onge. Reach out to request samples of our work and speak to a member of the team. We look forward to learning about your vision.

Want to learn more about our animation capabilities?

CAD Modeling

black and white floorplans

At St. Onge, we leverage a combination of off-the-shelf hardware and software in conjunction with our own proprietary processes and software to engineer designs that deliver lightweight, yet photo-realistic computer 2D and 3D models uniquely suited to interactive training, simulation, visualization and similar applications.

From static “flow descriptive” images to virtual tours that take you inside a proposed site, facility process or operation, CAD modeling allows design concepts to be presented visually for review and discussion. Models can integrate engineering data, aiding in the development of itemized equipment lists and associated costs – key factors in concept validation and capital appropriation efforts.

CAD modeling is one of the many visualization tools offered by St. Onge. Our approach is focused on delivering the right tools for your individual projects needs. In addition to CAD services, we offer animation solutions and comprehensive simulation and modeling. Our team looks at the big picture, assessing the data available against the project to determine the right level of visualization, working closely with your team from concept to delivery.

Want to learn more about the power of applying CAD modeling to your supply chain optimization efforts? Get in touch.

Want to learn more about our CAD modeling capabilities?

Automation Strategies

industrial robotic arm holding package

Intelligent automation can transform supply chains, driving significant improvements in efficiency and generating benefits directly to the bottom line. But, by nature, the complexity of today’s supply chains and its web of interdependent systems, processes and tasks means applying automation effectively takes a strategic approach. Couple that with the rapid pace of automation technology evolution and it’s easy to see why even the largest companies are taking a measured approach.

At St. Onge, our unique experience as an end-to-end supply chain specialist means we can see how changes impact the total picture and where integrations can add value. We help clients prepare for the needs of today and set them up for success into the future.

As an independent consultant not bound to any individual technology provider, we can help you identify and implement the hardware and software systems that offer the best application for your automation needs. We offer an objective unbiased view that has your business and budget in mind. We have experience with some of the largest systems integrators around the world and have also worked closely with more specialized automation shops.

We pride ourselves in being a full-service partner who combines strategic planning with technical expertise providing a single source of responsibility who can guide you from planning and evaluation through procurement, installation, implementation and rollout.  We know smart planning means being strategic about where automation can add the most value and considering integrations across the supply chain infrastructure.

We’re passionate about staying on the leading edge of technology and monitor how trends such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality and autonomous mobile robots are impacting today’s supply chains, focusing on research, development and testing that allow us to bring you best-in-class solutions that have been tested and proven.

If you’re considering automation enhancements to your supply chain. Get the industry leader on your side. Reach out to see how St. Onge can add value to your supply chain automation projects.

Want to learn more about our automation capabilities?

LEED Certification Support

leed logo

St. Onge knows sustainable building and LEED. We have managed hundreds of projects, both large and small, helping ensure they align with target standards and receive post-construction LEED certification. We take our responsibility to consider the impact our projects have on the environment seriously and work with you to determine the materials, systems and processes that will best fit your project needs, while driving efficiency and sustainability.

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certification is a green rating system for environmentally-friendly and sustainable buildings. These rigorous standards are established by the US Green Building Council (USGBC). LEED Certification means your business applies sustainable practices through all aspects of facility design, construction and operations. Our team offers support through three key LEED Certification phases, helping guide your project through the certification process:


  • Project registration with LEED Online
  • Coordination of documentation and submittals alongside the design team
  • Site selection and building orientation assistance
  • Identify and implement cost-effective ways to achieve higher certification levels


  • Ensure all construction activities meet the LEED Certification requirements
  • Ensure all necessary documentation is completed and submitted
  • Provide a single point of collection for all receipts and specifications needed for certification
  • Ensure all construction methods and change orders meet the credit specifications


  • Verify required documentation from design and construction phases is collected and submitted for each credit sought by the project
  • Assist your team in navigating the appeals process for any credits denied by the accreditation body

If you’re considering LEED Certification for your project, reach out. Our team of sustainable building experts can guide you through the process providing support from start to finish.

Want to learn more about our LEED certification support capabilities?

Customized Job Training

business men at table computer and graphs

Few things can have as profound an impact on your supply chain as effective employee training. Studies have shown that organizations who make investments in robust and continuous job training benefit from higher sustained levels of performance, employee retention and predictability within their supply chains. The challenge is those programs take significant time to produce and maintain that many companies struggle to allocate to the key team players with the knowledge needed to make them successful. Enter St. Onge.

Our team of supply chain engineers and systems specialists deliver a training program custom-designed for your business needs. We take time to understand the way you work and create custom training materials and programs designed to deliver the tools and cadence to keep your team members informed and operations running at peak levels.

We create comprehensive operations manuals, computer-generated animations and host of training tools focused on maximizing retention and recall, delivering the information efficiently in meaningful and useful ways.

If you’re looking to take your employee training to the next level or need to get a program started, reach out to discover the impact we can make together.

Want to learn more about our custom training capabilities?

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