St. Onge Company Helps Myoderm Break Ground on Global Headquarters

Myoderm, a leading global clinical trial supply company, recently broke ground on their new global headquarters in Horsham, Pennsylvania. We’re proud to have partnered with JabobsWyper Architects to help design the 65,000 sqft facility, which houses both office and warehouse space. It even has rack storage that can accommodate -80-degree C freezer storage!

“This new facility is the next stage of our evolving support for clinical drug development,” James Lovett, Myoderm’s Chief Executive Officer, said at the groundbreaking on July 9. “It will greatly expand our existing drug storage and distribution capability, especially for cold-chain biologics, and will support our rapidly growing newer services in packaging and labeling, clinical trial equipment and supplies, and CTRx prescription cards for use in clinical trials.”

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