Supply Chain Management Review Publishes Article on Kira Bilecky’s MODEX Presentation

Supply Chain Management Review recently published an article about a presentation that St. Onge Company’s Kira Bilecky gave at this year’s MODEX. She talked about sales and operation planning, and how to make the best business decisions for both you and your customer. Use the link below to read the article!

“We exist for one reason, for a customer, right?” Kira Bilecky, senior supply chain consultant at St. Onge Company, asked her audience at the recent Modex 2024 conference in Atlanta. “We call that our demand side. We have to meet customer expectations. Now, in today’s world, unfortunately, customers want every product or every flavor, every packaging size—a six-ounce can, a 25-ounce bag, 1.5-ounce sleeves, habanero, barbecue, salt and vinegar, a variety of flavors. So it’s constantly changing and we as a business need to be able to serve those demand lead times.”

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